On-Demand technology for foam-bonding adhesives
Experience maximum acceleration at the press of a button. The advantages are obvious:
- Boosting the instant tack of all SIMALFA® products
- Bonds difficult materials immediately
- Improvement in production efficiency
- Maximum flexibility in foam and upholstery processing
- Individual application – only when you need it!
As a result, the SIMALFA® 1K+ makes expensive and complicated mixing systems unnecessary and is the ideal supplement for every system – irrespective of whether it is a free flow, pressure or pump system. SIMALFA® spray guns can in addition be retrofitted at any time.
Get the benefit of 1 and 2 part adhesives in a single system
The innovative On-Demand System is based on our patented 1K+-technology and combines the advantages of 1 and 2 part adhesives for foam processing. As a result of the addition of a minimum Accelerator, the already outstanding instant tack of SIMALFA® adhesives is increased many times over.